June/July 2024 Events

Posted by Richard, Pumpkin King of Events on 31st May 2024

June/July 2024 Events

Alright we made it through May and are now on our way to June. The opening weekend of VARF was a great showing, we got to see a lot of our fellow vendors we haven't seen in a bit. The second weekend was extremely busy even despite the rain, boots were flying off the shelves. We just wrapped up an extremely eventful weekend, even though it was an extreme scorcher. We had several Amazing people come out to see us including the owner of the company, Alice, and one of our influencers goforthegoat. 

Goforthegoat attending VARF with Verillas Squad

Coming up we have the Edgar Allen Poe and fantasy themed weekend on June first and second. I'll have my elven ears and my elven crown of briars in addition to my favorite fantasy outfits, I gotta fit in. Then we have the fan favorite theme for the closing weekend. The pirate theme, so come out see all the drunken pirates stumbling about and its a perfect opportunity to get tall boots and a pirate vest. I even heard there may be a trail for convicted pirates at the courts behest.

Home | Cosplay World

And after that we will be at Cosplay World on June 15th and 16th, incidentally in Richmond VA. It is a cosplay themed convention ranging from anime to comics to games of all kinds. Plenty of guests will be there to show off their cosplays and even run panels and workshops to teach others how to join the field. And what convention would be complete without a dealers room to pick up merch and new kit pieces, of course it shall be fun to see all the amazing costumes and people that wander through.