Posted by Richard Pumpkin King of Events on 7th Jun 2024
So you've never been to an anime/ cosplay convention.

I am the event manager for Verillas, I have attended anime and gaming conventions and other events for many, many years and I'm here to share some common do's and don'ts for basic convention etiquette and tips to make your time more enjoyable.

Tips for Attendees.
If you haven't been to a convention before, you’re in for an amazing experience. Here are some tips to help you make your first time memorable:
- First thing you need to do is get your ticket or badge. I will always suggest to preorder and show up early on opening day to help beat the lines. If the event is far from home planning your lodging and travel to site are going to be things to figure out. Hotels that are near the site nearby and public transport are always a decent option.
- Plan the activities you want to do. Review the con’s website for schedules and what guest are going to be there before you go. Sometimes you'll find there are multiple events at the same time and you may need to decide which to attend, unless of course you have the ability to split yourself and be in more than one place at a time, it's a convention I wouldn't be surprised.
- Wear shoes or boots that are comfortable because it is very likely you’ll be walking a lot. Convention centers can be massive, and you don’t want sore feet. Though also don't forget to take breaks too, it'll give you a chance to rest and watch all the awesome costumes go by.
- Carry a water bottle. Can't have you passing out due to dehydration because conventions can be crowded and warm. It’s easy to get sidetracked by everything going on and forget to drink. On that note getting food is another important note. Some convention centers may have food, the lines can be terribly long a tend to be pricey so throw some snacks in your kit so you can get something in your system.
- Bring both cash and cards. Not all vendors may take cards, so it 's probably a good idea to have some cash on hand for all the tempting purchases from the vendors and artists. Lets not buy more than we can carry, unless you are cosplaying in a group where on of you is the squire or helper, feel free to load them up.
- Respect cosplayers by being polite and asking for permission before taking photos. Also, remember that “cosplay is not consent,” just because they are dressed sexily or scantily clad doesn't mean the rules of society don't apply.
- If you are waiting, be patient in lines. Everyone wants to see the cool stuff, so don't cut in line, it is unfair to all those already in line. Be patient and a decent person because waiting is part of the convention experience.
- Anime conventions offer a plethora of things to see and activities to do. Don’t be afraid to explore, as there is always something new, whether it’s a panel, a game. Take a chance and branch out you never know, you might find your new favorite.
- The most import thing is, have fun and enjoy yourself. Anime conventions are all about celebrating anime, manga, art, and making new friends who share your interests. I met the man I now call my brother at con many years ago while waiting in line to get a bag signed by a voice actor.
Things to keep in mind.
Making sure we have a respectful atmosphere at anime conventions also involves understanding what not to do as an attendee. Here are some important things you should not do.
- In convention spaces, your personal hygiene matters. Take regular showers, wear clean clothes, and use deodorant to prevent unpleasant odors. Be mindful of using strong body sprays or perfumes in crowded areas, as they can be overwhelming for others or might set off allergies.
- If you see someone who is taking a photo don't walk between the photographer and the person getting their photo taken, its just rude to do so. And in the same vein don't block walkways or the areas in front of vendors if you are aren't shopping, there a lot of people and others may want to shop or get by.
- Convention runners have put in place rules to ensure everyone’s happiness and safety. It’s important not to cut in line or disrupt orderly gatherings, such as large photo groups. Also always respect rules on banned or restricted items or engaging in behavior explicitly banned by convention rules. So if they say no booze or live steel, I would listen because failure to do so can get you removed from the event in its entirety.
- Maintaining a peaceful environment is of utmost importance. During panel discussions, workshops, or video showings, keep noise levels down to avoid disruptions. Avoid screaming or causing a scene in convention spaces to ensure everyone can enjoy the events. You don't want someone ruining your time there so extend that same respect to others as well.
- If you are going to cosplay make sure you can reach all of your necessary things like cellphone or wallet. Echoing the above mention of rules don't wear a costume that could in someway be banned by the rules of the con or the city it is in, this could be the level of skimpiness or being dangerous with spikes or parts that could be weapons. Don't use real weapons in your costumes, while you might be trained that does not mean everyone around you will be so lets just play it safe.